Clay Hand Building

Have fun with clay and learn new skills. Try various hand building techniques to create a unique range of artworks.

We run a vibrant community arts studio at Holly Cottage in Hackham, South Australia. Our inclusive cross-generational program promotes the creative aspirations of people in our community. We provide a safe, friendly and supportive space offering creative art making opportunities in various mediums along with cultural outings and digital literacy training. People with little or no experience in formal adult education are encouraged and supported to participate. Attending our program provides our attendees with opportunity to identify with an artistic community and increase personal skills including pathways to further engagement or training. We aim to help everyone look after their wellbeing in a creative and positive way.

About the course

Thursdays 1st February to 11th April 2024

Time 10.30am – 3pm

(11 Sessions)

Free for eligible participants. Booking are essential, please contact us:

Email:      Phone: 8326 2992      Mobile: 0474 877 098


Supported by Government of South Australia

Participants Quotes

Thank you Artworks people for a fun & educational experience, the workshops are very inclusive and enjoyable.

Participants Images